For many patients it can be a hard choice whether or not to book an eye exam, but we encourage you to book an appointment if you find any of these to be true.
1. Squinting
- If you find yourself squinting more than usual
2. Bright Flashes And Floaters
- If you notice that you are seeing bright flashes of light, spots or floaters
3. Frequent Headaches
- Headaches are can be symptom of many things, including your eyes. Many patients don’t think of eye related issues causing headaches
4. Blurry Vision
- If you are experience haziness or blurred vision
5. Problems Focusing
- If you are experiencing any issues focusing or pain when you attempt to do so
6. Sensitivity to Light
- Can be linked to several disorders or eye diseases
7. Eye Pain
- If you are experience any type of pain with your eyes you should book an appointment as soon as possible
8. Family History
- If you have a family history of any of these conditions such as diabetes or glaucoma, especially if you are in your 50s or older
9. Frequent Electronic Use
- You spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen or electronics
10. You can’t remember when you last had an eye exam
- Our eyes our constantly changing as we get older, setting up regular eye exams with your doctor could prevent you from coming in with an emergency