What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that cause progressive and irreversible damage the optic nerve. Glaucoma is known as the “silent thief of sight” because symptoms most often don’t occur until damage is done.

Fortunately, glaucoma is highly treatable if detected early. The key to preventing serious vision loss or blindness from glaucoma is annual, dilated eye examination. Schedule an annual eye exam with Katzen to have our ophthalmologists assess your vision and recommend next steps.

What Are My Options?

The effects of glaucoma are permanent, but with early treatment, the loss of vision can be minimized.

In some patients, damage occurs very slowly and treatment may not be necessary. However, most patients do require treatment, such as eye drops, to prevent or delay loss of vision.

Your best defense is to have regular eye exams and glaucoma screening tests.

What Is An Annual Eye Exam?

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