What Is Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a condition in which areas of the skin appear light, dark, or “splotchy” in areas due to an imbalanced distribution of melanin. This can occur for a variety of reasons: UV radiation, hormonal changes or imbalances, or lifestyle habits to name a few.

Hyperpigmentation can occur in people of all races and there are various treatment options for those wishing to return their skin to its natural, flawless state.

What Are My Options?

Hyperpigmentation is treated through a laser procedure that targets the melanin pigments in these darkened areas, thus clearing all layers of the pigmentation and revealing the even-toned, unblemished skin lying beneath the surface.

Aestheticians at Katzen use the Harmony Pro Laser, the newest technology for faster, safer skin correction. The Laser is specially designed for patient comfort and is effective on all skin types.

Is Treatment Right For Me?

If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, this treatment option may be the solution for you.

Schedule a consultation
  • Do you suffer melasma?
  • Are you dissatisfied with current sunspots or age spots on your skin?
  • Are you in search of a solution that leads to clear skin?

Frequently Asked Questions

If You have a Query then Call Us on 443-738-4270